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“I hope you won’t suspect me of praising myself, if I tell you that calling my inspiration is almost never in vain. I am quite able to say that the power which I called a moody guest, has befriended me for such a long time, that we live together inseparably.


It only escapes me, when, due to the circumstances, which oppress my general human life in one way or another, it feels superfluous.
But the cloud is hardly dispersed, when it returns again.

In this way, being in a normal condition, I can say, I am constantly composing, at every minute of the day, and under all possible circumstances.

Sometimes I curiously observe this continuous work, which is taking place in those parts of the brain which are allocated to music - regardless of the topic of the conversation, that I am leading at the time, or of the people I am with.

Sometimes it is some sort of preparatory work, i.e. the details of the tuning guide of a previously planned paragraph are worked out, then an absolutely new independent thought appears, and you try to keep hold of it. Where this thought is coming from - is an impenetrable secret.”




C L A S S I C   L I F E


C L A S S I C   L I F E