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  Goethe about Beethoven
Letter to Bettina von Arnim

“The common human mind might find contradictions in it; but what such a person possessed by the divine voices – that a layman must have great respect for, and it must be the same, whether he speaks from his feeling or his knowledge, because here it is that the gods rule and scatter the seeds for future insight, of which we can only hope that it ripens to an undisturbed crop. Until it is a general thing, however, the mist in front of the human mind must first of all disperse.

To want to advise him would be an outrage, even from people who have more understanding of this than me, as his genius is lighting the way for him. It often enlightens him as if lightning had struck, where we sit in the dark and hardly know from which direction day will break.”




C L A S S I C   L I F E


C L A S S I C   L I F E